Specialised Services

Advanced Security For Advanced Threats

What is a Specialised Assessment & Why do I Need One?

Our specialised service offerings are the most advanced services we offer, and something we believe truly sets us apart from other Pentest companies. Our service offerings are constantly growing, but to date we offer 5 specialised services. These services focus on a very specific niche, such as a specific IoT product, or a Web3.0 blockchain, and require a specialised assessment methodology which we have developed in house to help us find the latest vulnerabilities, and make your organisation safer and less prone to cyber threats.

A Specialised Assessment provides several benefits:

Holistic Security Evaluation
Real-World Threat Simulation
Vulnerability Identification
Risk Mitigation Strategies
User Awareness and Training
Regulatory Compliance Alignment
Customized Threat Scenarios

Security Assessments

Red Team Security Assessment

A red team security assessment is a type....

Ransomware Simulation Security Assessment

Ransomware simulation is a type of security assessment....

iOT Security Assessment

An IoT (Internet of Things) penetration test is a type....

Operational Technology Security Assessment

Operational technology (OT) security assessments are similar to IoT....

Web 3.0 Security Assessment

A smart contract security review is an evaluation....


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